miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2017

When you finish to study at high school, what career are you planning to choose in college? and why

When I finish studying in high school I plan to choose this career
Computer Engineering, Architecture or Industrial Engineering
it was because I like it a lot and I feel identified with the profile of computer science, architecture and industrial ing, since it gives possibilities to go ahead also I identify myself a lot with this and gives us the possibility to find work in several positions It is a professional profiles which will require the company in terms of computer specialists will be the people who master the integration of electronic engineering, telecommunications and information technology.
Why I know that it is a future career ♥ Because I like to teach all my knowledge in society being a useful person ♥ Because I am sure that this career will give me the possibility to grow up and be a whole person and with all the possibilities for success

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